Thursday, September 25, 2014

C4K Summary for September

Summary C4K #1

This week I was assigned to comment on Nathaniel's blog post. He is in Ms. Squire's 7th/8th grade class. His blog post this week was on President Barack Obama's trip to see the stonehenge. He included two pictures in his post. One picture taken of the president walking among the huge rocks ,and the other just taken of the stonehenge itself. Nathaniel included that the president was on his way home from Nato Summit ,and couldn't resist not stopping at the stonehenge. Nathaniel's grammar was good, and overall he created a good blog post for the week.

My Comment

In my comment on Nathaniel's post, I introduced myself. I included that I was a sophomore here at USA, and I was working to become an elementary school teacher in the future. Also, that I was in a class called EDM310 , and I was learning how to make weekly posts on my very first blog. I then complimented Nathaniel on his post. I mentioned that I enjoyed his use of pictures, and I enjoyed learning something new about President Obama. I told Nathaniel that I thought the only thing missing in his post was a little background information. I would have liked to know things such as, when the president visited the stonehenge, and also if anyone was with him. Overall, I told him that his blog post was done very well and I enjoyed reading it.

Summary C4K #2

This week I commented on Kelson's blog. He is in the fifth grade in Mrs. Schraml's class. In this post, Kelson explains what he is creating in Minecraft. Minecraft is a program that is used on xbox, PC's, and also smartphones. Kelson states that he is using this program to create a computer and also a chair. He tells how big each item is an also what color everything is. He says that he is building these objects using blocks that are included in Minecraft. He explains things very well in his post, but has a few grammatical errors. Kelson says that he does not know what he would like these objects to do, so he ends his post with a question to his fellow bloggers to let him know what they think.

My Comment

When I commented on Kelson's post, I stated that I attended USA, and gave a little bit of background information. I described how I was in college to become an elementary education teacher, and teach kids like himself one day. I gave him a link to our class blog and also my personal blog so he could really see what our class was doing, and how it worked. I then complimented Kelson on his work. I stated that I felt like I could actual see a picture of his computer and matching chair in my mind as I read the post. I told him that it was a great idea to end his post with a question. My answer would be that I would also create a person to work the computer. I would then used his person to look up information on the computer that he wanted to find out about. I assured Kelson that I enjoyed reading his post.

Summary C4K #3

This week I commented on Madeline E's blog post. This week she made a blog post about talent vs. hard work. She was assigned to state which was more important to have. Madeline said that hard work was better that talent. She started off by giving a dictionary deffiniton of both talent and hard work. She used lots of quotes in her post as well. Madeline states that if you have talent, then you don't work as hard as the people who do not. As she added in quotes she gives a translation of each one after. Madeline's post this week was well done.

My Comment

I started off my comment to Madeline by introducing myself. I told her that I was a student at USA, and I wished to become an elementary school teacher in the future. I complimented Madeline on her post for the week. I agreed that I too thought hard work was more important than talent. Being talented at something is great, but if you aren't talented at that special something, then you can always make up for it with hard work. Everyone has the ability to work hard, but not everyone has the ability to be talented at something. I told Madeline that I enjoyed her use of quotes inside her post. I ended by telling her that I enjoyed reading her post for the week, and that I hope she kept up the good work.

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